Saturday, April 30, 2011

It's a long way.....

We will all miss the liveliness and warmth of welcome that we enjoyed at the Collins household over the last 3 weeks but it is time to move on and explore further afield. So it is to the west we head and with a very early start. We left Buster and Oakbridge House just after 7 o’clock on the Saturday morning after the Royal Wedding. I’m sure there would have been some thick heads in London that morning but thankfully not ours.
We left with plenty of time, crossing over the River Severn and into Wales where we enjoyed a walk around Cardiff and its castle. Just a short drive to Swansea and we had fish and chips for lunch.
Shivering at Cardiff Castle
That didn’t leave much time to get to the port at Fishguard so now it was a race against the Sat Nav timer. We were meant to board the Stena Europe at 1.30 for a 2.30 departure. It was 2.10 on the Sat Nav when we arrived in Fishguard Town but no-one told us that the boat leaves from Fishguard Harbour. We could see the boat over at the Harbour but how long would it take for us to do a u-turn in front of an oncoming bus and then race down the hill.
By this stage there were no other cars queuing to board the boat and the lady at the ticket booth mentioned something about ‘the skin of our teeth’ in her heavy Welsh accent and then we were on.
We were the last car on, the giant doors closed behind us, we just got upstairs and then we could hear the engines rumble and saw the port slide by. That was close !
Three and a half hours over the Irish Sea and we arrived at Rosslare. Who would have thought that at 6 pm in Ireland we would be driving into the blazing sun with crystal clear blue skies reaching far over the emerald plains. Something felt terribly wrong with the planet if we have sunglasses on at 7pm in Ireland. I’m not going to complain though.

Another 2 and a half hours drive to bring our total travelling time for the day to almost 14 hours and we arrived and can say whole heartedly that...  
 It's a long way to Tipperary.
Our base for the week while we are in Ireland is a gorgeous cottage in Tipperary. The long and windy driveway leads to a very large manor house owned by a farmer and his wife and their 4 daughters. The Garden Cottage is behind the manor and is just perfect. We have a wonderful walled garden behind us that is about the size of a football field and along one side of that is the best chicken run you could imagine for four of the loveliest hens I've ever met. On the other side is a fabulous cottage garden complete with working well and pump.   Ohhh, to be sure, it is the prettiest of places.
                          Shamrock Cottages    Cordangan Manor     Garden Cottage    number 205  
The gates to our cottage, built in 1831

The cottage garden

Guiness pie and mashed potato for dinner


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