Thursday, April 14, 2011

London Calling.

We had prepared the girls for the last 6 months to toughen up and get ready for the cold, wet and grey weather of England. We have in fact brought 6 raincoats and 8 jackets that we haven’t worn yet. And so, when we arrived at Heathrow with the sun shining and blue skies as far as we could see, none of us could believe we were at the right place. Michael was there to pick us up and we peeled off our jumpers and put on our sunglasses as he drove us through the lush green parks and lanes to Croxley Green.
Staying with the Collins family is a breath of fresh air after living in hotels and moving every other day. It is like coming home and being welcomed with great big open arms. We are truly spoilt and living in the lap of luxury with wonderful friends.

Our first few days were spent washing, buying essentials, catching up on school work and purchasing a car for the next 9 months of travel. We decided on a trusty Honda CRV and so far it seems to be a practical and easy choice.

2004 Honda CRV       £6100-         64,050 miles       Petrol £1.50 / litre or about $2.30 AUD / litre
Our first outing in London was a lovely ride in the countryside.

A Ride in the Countryside
by Charlotte
We are now in England, and are staying with our friends Michael, Melisa, Georgia and Alfie. Michael is a really good friend of dad's from when they were teenagers. Melisa is his wife and she is so bubbly and nice. Georgia is their 14 year old daughter who is crazy about swimming, and trains just about every day. Alfie is 10 years old and loves football (soccer), swimming and everything sporty.
Today we all decided that we would go on bike ride through the English countryside and along the side of the canal. The canal is a beautiful river, and on the side of it is the towpath that we rode on. Because dad and Michael were picking up our car , Mum, Melisa, Georgia, Alfie, Maisy and I started to ride. We rode for around 30 minutes, then we stopped at a coffee shop in a park by a lake. It was called the Aquadrome. At the coffee shop we each had a hearty jacket potato. It was the best potato I have had in ages. You can't get a potato like that in India. Then the kids had an ice-cream. By that time, the dads had finally caught up to us. So we then got back on the towpath.

Our aim for the day was to ride to London (Little Venice). We rode past lots of locks and over some bridges but it was all too much for dad and Michael’s legs and bottoms. They were getting tired and they spotted a pub. The pub was right next to the canal, so we ordered some big fat chips for us and old bread for the hungry ducks. In the middle of all the ducks, there was a single cranky, old goose and when Maisy blew a raspberry at the goose, it would hiss back at her. Dad made a joke and said that was the best impression of a snake from a goose he had ever seen or heard. On the way back there was a massive hill, a bit like the one that leads up to our house. We all managed to ride up the hill except for Maisy, so mum had to wait behind for her, and then walk up.

It was a long bike ride, but definately brilliant.

Home at last.

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