Charlotte's Reading List

52.  Garden of the Purple Gragon

51.   Dragon Moon
by Carol Wilkinson
This is the 3rd book in  the dragon triology. I didn't have the 2nd one so I had to read the 3rd one after the 1st one, but it still made sense and I still loved it. In this book, Ping is on an adventure to fine her way  to the safety of a dragon hide out. But on this journey she has to look after Danzi's young son, Kai.

50.  The Twelve Tasks of Flavia Gemina - The Roman Mysteries - Book 6
by Caroline Lawrence
Flavia Gemina's father is single, but when she see's a lady who is over interested in her father, she begins to get suspicious. This book is about the 12 things Flavia and her friends must do to find out what Camila, the lady interested in Flavia's father, wants and who she is. I also really enjoyed this book too.   September 2011

 49.  Captain Congo and the Crocodile King
by Ruth Starke
Captain Congo and the Crocodile King was a short comic I had to read for school. It was very easy to read so I would have suggested it to an easy age group.    September 2011

48.   The Assassins of Rome - The Roman Mysteries - Book 4
by Caroline Lawrence
I read this book whilst i was in Rome so i found it very interesting. It is about a group of friends, but 1 of them goes mysteriously missing. A few days prior to this someone had already warned them that an assassin was out and that they were trying to catch it.So the other friends go all the way to Rome and begin their search for their lost friend. I really enjoyed this book so I got the 6th one, The 12 tasks of Flavia Gemina

47.   Tales of Beadle the Bard
by JK Rowling
Tales of Beadle the bard had 5 short fairy tales which wizards and witches  read to their children. Everybody know the muggle nursery rhymes, but no body knows the wizards worlds stories and that is why JK Rowling wrote this book. It helps some people understand her Harry Potter series better. I enjoyed it, but after a while i got bored of Dumbledore's long notes  about the story. But i would still recommend it to those who love Harry Potter.   September 2011

 46.   Charlie And The Chocolate Factory
by Roald Dahl
Charlie is a young boy and comes from a poor family. He has a mum, a dad and 4 grandparents who all sleep in 1 bed. one day there is an announcement in the newspaper, that 'Mr Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory' has reopened after 10 years, but only to 5 lucky children who find a golden ticket each in Mr Wonka's chocolate bars, can come in.  On the day the children will see all of Mr Wonka's latest inventions and his favourite things, like lick-able wall paper,everlasting gobstopper, gum that tastes like a three course meal and loads more.But why has Mr Wonka only invited 5 children who found the golden tickets? Is there a reason?    September 2011

45.   Hitlers Daughter
by Jackie French
On a wet day 4 school kids are waiting for the school bus. It is so boring not doing anything, so Anna starts a story, a story about Hitlers daughter. Mark knows it is just a story, but it seems more than a story, it seems real. Could it have been real? Did Hitler really have a daughter?   August 2011

44.   I Am Jack
by Susanne Gervay
I had read this book in year 3 but never new its real meaning. It's about a normal boy that goes to school  and has a loving family, a sister, a mum, but no dad. The dad and mum had devorced, and the dad remarried again. So now Jack has no dad but his mum has a boyfriend, Rob. Jack is now getting bullied at school and everyone calls him Bum Head. His mum is too busy at work and he has no and Nanna can't hear very well, so who should he tell? He only has one friend left, Anna, and she's a girl. It's a good book for all school children should read.   August 2011

43.   Rose Blanche
by Robberto Innocenti
A short picture book about how innocent children are in wars. About how they really don't know anything about it and how some children like Rose Blanche are German and are on Hitler's side but don't know any better and visit Jewish kids in striped pyjamas and give them food.   August 2011

42.   Why the Whales came
by Michael Morpurgo
Two best friends have been warned all their life to never go near the Birdman, and never to go over to Samson Island. But when there was nowhere to sail their boats, the only place left is Rushy Bay, where the Birdman lives. No one else dares to talk to the Birdman. At lunchtime they both go home and leave their boats there. But when they come back the boats have moved and there is a message in the sand that says 'Z.W.' Could it be the Birdman? Who else would go to Rushy Bay?   August 2011

41.   The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas
by John Boyn
This story is about what life would have been like for  a 9 year old non Jewish boy, Bruno, whose father is a Commandant and has to move from a massive 5 storey house in Berlin, to a small, old 3 storey house at `Out With.` Bruno`s life has now completely changed, no school, no friends and no nice little coffee shops.  I loved this book and recommend it to anyone who is interested about life for some people in World War 2.   August 2011

40.   Sideways Stories  from Wayside School
by Louis Sachar
I was sent this book from my school to read, and it was very funny ands unusual. It was  an interesting style of writing, about a   class on the 30th storey of the school. This book has 30 short stories about the children and techers on the 30th storey. It a very quirky and unusual book.   July 2011

39. Pippi Longstocking
By Astrid Lindgren
I really enjoyed this crazy story of Pippi Longstockings while I was in Sweden. Mum said I would have to read it while I was here. I couldn't help laughing at Pippis ways. I have read this book many times before and have even seen the movie. Recommend for anyone who loves to have a laugh and people who are travelling to Sweden.   July 2011

38.   Stories by Hans Christian Andersen
The Princess and the Pea
The Little Mermaid
The Ugly Duckling
The Little Match Girl
The Drummer Boy
The Girl with no Hands
I read some short stories by Hans Christian Anderson whilst I was in Denmark. I even got to see the statue of the Little Mermaid and sat on Hans Chritian Anderson's knee.   July 2011

37.  The Remarkable Secret of Aurelie Bonhoffen
By Deborah Abela
Aurelie Bonhoffen is a young girl whose family lives and works at a circus and she plays a dead girl on a ghost train and juggles fire. But there is one thing different about this family, they have a secret, and when Aurelie turns 12 she is told her families secret. Could it help the family save the pier? I loved this book by one of Australias best authors. You really felt for Aurelie.   July 2011

36.  Stories by The Brothers Grimm
The Town Musicians of Bremen
Hansel and Gretel
The brothers Grimm were  from Germany, so I decided I would read some of their fairy tales while I was here. When we were in Bremen I read 'The Town Musicians of Bremen'. It was a bit odd and really funny.   July 2011

35.  Escape from Colditz.
By Deborah Chancellor
Escape from Colditz was another great book to read whilst I was in Germany. It was very interesting about life in a prison camp, and how a Dutch escape commitee snuck other Dutch prisoners out of Colditz, and into Switzerland.   July 2011

34.  Diary of a Young Girl.
By Anne Frank
Anne Franks Diary was an excellent book to read while I was in Amsterdam and Germany. On Annes 13th birthday she was given a diary, and in the diary are true thoughts of a 13 year old Jewish girl in hiding. Anne and her family are hiding with another Jewish family during war when Hitler was around, and Anne writes in her diary nearly every day, discussing with her diary, Kitty, all her problems and arguments around her. Will she survive this terrible time for Jews to live in?   July 2011

33.   Pannikin and Pinta
by Colin Thiele
I enjoy all of Colin Thiele's books very much. This book could be a true story about the flight the pelicans had to do from Lake Eyre to the sea because Lake Eyre was drying up and turning into salt. I recommend this to anyone who wants to know what the pelicans have go through to go through to get to the sea. It also gives a good message at the end: the effort we make is more important than the goal we reach.     June 2011
32.   Waiting for Anya
by Michael Morpurgo
I think Michael Morpurgo is an excellent author. I love all of his books, there is not 1 book in the 3 books I have read that I haven't liked. I can't wait to read more of his fabulous books. Waiting for Anya is a story of trust, waiting, and Jewish people hiding from Hitlers army. I really, really enjoyed it.   June 2011

31.   The  Burnt stick
by Anthony Hill
This book is about a small boy John Jgamarra, and life as an Aborginal before the white people took him to a mission camp, and what his mother has to do to try and save her son. It is a truly excellent book about Aboriginal colture and how the White people ruined thier colture.    June 2011

30.   Storm Boy
by Colin Thiele
I have read this excellent book twice before in year 2, when we were at the Coorong where the book is set, and in year 4 for school. This time I am also for school, but I can imagine the setting and I ccan imagine the story happening right in front of me. This is the the type of book that you can read more then once, but still love it.   June 2011

29.   Pony Pals, I Want a Pony
This is the 1st of the Pony Pals series. A 10 year old girl, Lulu, who loves ponies, moves to live with her grandma in a tiny village. Lulu has no friends, and her father is busy working in the Amazon. One night Lulu wakes to the sound of a whinnie, does that mean that there is a pony next door? Does it mean Lulu may have at least 1 friend? How will Lulu get to meet the pony?This is an easy reading story that EVERY pony lover has to read.   June 2011

28.   Sweet Valley Twins, The Older Boy
by Francine Pascal
There are 76 books in this series, but I only have book 15 and 76 because they were passed down by my cousin. This book is book 15 and it is about an 12 year old girl, Jessica, who goes on  her 1st date with a 16 year old boy. The thing is that the 16 year old boy, Josh, doesn't know Jessica is ONLY 12. Jessica HAS TO lie to keep the secret. Willshe get away with it, or will there be big trouble?   June 2011

27.   Lily Quench & the Black Mountains
by Natalie Jane Prior
This was another school book, and is the sequel to Lily Quench and the dragon of Ashby. The Back Mountains was just as good as the Dragon of Ashby. Lily Quench is still on her mission to save Ashby.   June 2011

26.   What a Pest
by Mary Small
This book was all about the pests that live in Australia, when they came, where they came from and how we have tried to get rid of them. It was a very interesting book. But I would have enjoyed it more if I learnt about it when I was in Australia.   June   2011

25.   The Werewolf Knight
I had to read this book for school. It was a fairy tale about a princess who loved a noble knight. But he had a secret that nobody knew. He was a werewolf!!!    June   2011

24.   The story of William Wallace, The story of Robert Bruce
by David Ross
These 2 people were alive around the late 1200 and the early 1300. Robert Bruce was a Scottish king, and William Wallace was a strong Scotsman who lead Scotland to be an independent country and not owned by the evil king of England, Edward I.   May 2011

23.   Now
by Morris Gleitzman
The main character, Felix, is now 70 years older. He has his own children, and even a grandchild. In this book, Felix is living with his grandchild, Zelda, in Australia. In stead of war, like the other books, this book is about bullying, and a bush fire. This book is not nearly as sad as Once and Then, but is still a very good book.   May 2011

22.  Then
by Morris Gleitzman
After reading Once, I was desperate to read Then. It was still as sad as the first one, but in this one, many more people died. The main character in this book is a 10 year old bot called Felix. His best friend/sister, and his fake mum get hung in this book for helping Jews. Felix then has to live in a hole for 2 years until the war is over.   May 2011

21.   Kensukes Kingdom
by Michael Morpugo
This excellent story was about a family who have decided that they will sail a boat called the Peggy Sue around the world. But one stormy night when the main character is on watch on the top of the boat with his dog, Stella Artois, while his parents are asleep, a big wave came and swamped the ship, both Stella Artois and the main character are washed over board without anybody noticing. The next morning they both wake up, but they are on an Island. Is this Island deserted or are there people on this Island?    May 2011

20.   Clarice Bean, Don't Look Now
by Lauren Child
I also read this book for school. I liked this book soooo much, I read it in 3 days, and it is a 152 page book. It is about an average girl whose best friend moves to New York, and how she has to make new friends with the new girl from Sweden.   May 2011

19.   Lily Quench and the Dragon of Ashby
by Natalie Jane Prior
I had to read this book for school as well, but I found it much more interesting reading a fictional book about dragons.   May 2011

18.   Once
Morris Gleitzman
This was a happy and sad book about how Jews lived when Hitler was around. I can't wait to read the next book. May 2011

17.   From Herabout Hill
by Michael Morpurgo
This is definitely the best book I've read this year. This book is full of short stories. I loved this book sooo much. Alfie let me borrow 4 more Michael Morpurgo books and I can't wait to read them.    April 2011

16.  The 39 Clues, Book Three - The Sword Theif
by Peter Lerangis
After waiting since February, we finally found the 3rd 39 Clues book. I read it within 2 days of buying the book.`We also got book 4, and I've started to read it already.    April 2011

15.   The 39 Clues, The Black Book of Buried Secrets
by Mallory Kass
A book all about the secrets between the people, and the different branches.
This is a book that every person that reads the 39 clues series should read.    April 2011

14.   Shah Jahan
This was the story about the man who built the Taj Mahal. Shah Jahan built the Taj Mahal to bury his wife who he loved very much. The building is a mausoleum and he is entombed there as well. We went to the Taj on the day we finished reading this book. It was so beautiful.    April 2011 

13.   The Magician's Elephant
by Kate DiCamillo
A story about a young boy who lives with an old soldier in the city of Baltese. The boy has no mum or dad, and has believed all his life that his sister was stillborn. He searches to find the truth?    April 2011

12.   Mahatma Gandi
a biography by Wilco
He was a very stubborn man but he always got his way for India.   March 2011

11. Little Brother
by Allan Baillie
It was a sad story of a boy in Cambodia trying to find his brother while he was escaping the Khmer Rouge. The ending was a surprise. I read this in Cambodia with mum.   March 2011

10.   A Little Princess
by Frances Hodgson Burnett
It was a lovely classic tale about an 11 year old girl who came from a rich family in India and how she becomes poor and without her family in England.I loved it so much.   March 2011

9.   Gulliver's Travels
by Johnathan Swift
It is an excellent book about the different countries that Gulliver travelled to, and the strange people and
things. It was a great book.   March 2011

8.   The Great Fire of London
by Janet Hardy-Gould
It was an interesting book, written as a commic, and I really enjoyed finding out about the history of the rats and the fire.   March 2011

7.   The 39 Clues - Book Two
One False Note
by Gordon Korman
Just as good as the first one.
I'm loving it.   Feb 2011

6.   Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Last Straw
by Jeff Kinney
I'm running out of books to read so I read this one after Maisy.
It was pretty good and fun to read especially with all the illustrations.   Feb  2011

5.   Cec Fisher - The Man and His Poems.
This is another unit of work I am doing for Distance Ed.
I love reading the poems but the work isn't much fun.   Feb 2011

4.   Joan of Arc
by Lili Wilkinson
I'm reading this for Distance Ed
It's quite interesting but not really my choice.   Feb 2011

3.   The Good Liar
by Gregory Maguire
I'm reading this book from the library because the title got my attention and mum said "Why would you want to read that?"
It was an excellent book about three boys who had to keep a secret from the German soldiers during the war.   January 2011
2.   The 39 Clues - Book One
The Maze of Bones
by Rick Riordan
I love it.   January 2011

1.   The Bravest Kid I've ever known -and- Other Naughty Stories for Good Boys and Girls
by Christopher Milne
I chose this book from the library because I thought it would be fun to read, and I have read some of Christopher Milnes books before.
I finished reading the book and it was quite good, with lots of short stories which made it enjoyable to read.
I would recommend this to anyone who likes to be a bit cheeky.   January 2011