Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding.

A wonderful flag waving day.
With the English weather always the topic of conversation and the fact they had just had 3 of the best weeks in history for this time of year, it was with much anticipation that the “Royal Wedding Day” arrived.
Overcast yes, but no rain. Truth be known it was the worst weather day we had had in the 3 weeks since arriving but all in all a very respectful day. So off on the train to Green Park with the masses to be swept into a rip that engulfed us in Union Jacks and colourfully dressed people that the Bobby’s directed down the main street. We were supposed to meet my mum and dad in the park but had no chance of getting in as they had already shut the gates and were directing people on to Hyde Park. We began drifting with the crowd but as we passed The Hard Rock Café I saw a quaint pub down a side street that was decorated for the occasion. In we went to ‘The Rose and Crown' to get a seat under a huge plasma screen just as the royals were leaving Buckingham Palace to go to Westminster Abbey, all just a block away from where we were. It was nice now to be out of the crowds and lucky as within 15 minutes of being there they had to close the pub as about 100 others followed us in which created a great atmosphere. So with our Pimms and lemonade we watched the show and sang out loud ‘God save the Queen’ with the knowledge that we were within about 1 mile of where it was all happening.

A good day for the royals and an even better one for England as they showcased their future King and Queen to the world in what seemed like a seamless effort, with no disruption that had threatened the happy day. (almost thought about dusting off the old passport……….but no)

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