Tuesday, April 26, 2011

London Dungeons and Harrods.

Everyone really wanted to get scared and go to the London Dungeons today. So we got ready quickly, and raced to get to the train. We got there, the train had just pulled up. It took 3 trains to actually arrive at the London Dungeons. The reason why we had to get there early was because we were told if we didn’t get there early, there would be a huge queue. Luckily we did because there was no queue for us.

Meeting some of the characters while waiting outside the Dungeons.

We all got to be in the same group, mum, dad, Maisy, Michael, Melisa, Georgia, Alfie, their friend Massimo, and me. We first had our photo taken, Georgia, Massimo, and me with our heads in the stocks, Maisy and Alfie with the axe, and dad, mum, Michael and Melisa all looking scared.

The whole group went into a maze of mirrors, dad and Maisy in the lead. Maisy kept on walking straight into the mirrors, and would bang her head each time. Then we started to panic because we couldn’t find the way out, and we couldn’t even find out where there weren’t any mirrors. It felt like we were going round in circles. All of a sudden we heard someone scream, turns out it was mum, and there was a skeleton behind her. But she did find the way out.
Next we got lead into an information room where a computer talked about the great fire of London. Half way through that, dad got bored and lead everyone out, and into the next room. Because dad was first into the room, he was the victim for the surgeon. Dad had to sit in a big wooden chair, and got strapped in whilst everyone else gathered around him. The surgeon showed us what he had done to the last patient, then it was dads turn. The surgeon first pretended to cut dads hand, and then he collected all the blood. Next he did brain surgery and pulled out dad's brain. The lights went out and blood started spraying at us, and we all ran out and went to the next room.
The next room was the torture room, and this time a teenage girl got chosen. The torturer gave her a deal, if no one in the audience knew what the devices of torture was then he would demonstrate it on her, but if someone did know what they were then she would be safe. The first torture device was a hook, and lucky for her, her little brother knew what it was for - hanging people from the nose, eye, chin and the bottom. The next torture device was horrible. You heat the tongue remover in the furnace, and then clamp it onto the victims tongue, first it sizzles and then you twirl it until you hear the pop of the tongue being snapped off.
Then we all went to the grog shop where an old fashioned lady told us about Jack the Ripper and his murders. The light on the table started to move, and the bookshelf was shaking. Jack the Ripper jumped out from nowhere and the lights went out, there was a gun shot and then we all screamed. Jack the Ripper killed 5 women in 1888 and he was never caught.
We then went on the Hangmans noose. This was a ride for only the bravest people to experience what it sort of felt like to be hanged. There were about 14 seats, and everyone would sit down and the ride would take you up to the top, where there was a judge, and the executionor. Then all at once the execution man pulled the lever and we all went falling down. The hidden camera took a great photo, and it looks like dad has pooped his pants.
We also got to go on a small boat. Georgia and Massimo at the front, behind them were Maisy and Alfie, then Mum and I, then dad and another man. We went forward at first, but then the boat spun around and we were going backwards. Water started spraying at us and  dad got soaked. A scary man jumped out from a wall and scared the life out of Alfie.
Another lady dressed up in old fashioned clothes then told us about her pie shop. She told us that most people normally wonder where she got the meat. She said that there was a barber and doctor next door, and she would get the meat off other humans that had had body parts removed. It was sooooo disgusting. So next we went into the barber shop. We all had to  sit in hard wooden seats in rows of three. Mum , Maisy and I were in the front. The lights turned off, there was some speakers that were speaking to us about being a barber, and while that was happening there was a small metal wire that hit the back of your head and would feel like scissors cutting your hair. Mum screamed.

A scene from the barbers shop
It was the end of the tour, and another great experience.
We stopped for lunch at this great restaurant called The Rainforest Cafe. It was like we were actually sitting in the rainforest with the animals all around us. Very cool.

Maisy and I have always wanted to see Harrods where some of our favourite teddy bears have come from. So that was our next stop after the London dungeons. It was easy to find beacause it is a huge building with Harrods written in every window. We had to walk through the perfume stores and mum had to have a sample of almost every one. But her all-time favourite is Channel No 5. Next we had to walk through the food section. There was a whole room with just a deli;a room for just tea, there was another room which was full of lollies, and heaps of other rooms that we didn’t get a chance to go in. Of course all the kids loved the lollies. Melisa was so kind and let us either have an ice cream or lollies. Maisy Georgia and I bought jellybeans, and Alfie and Massimo had an ice cream. Then Alfie, Maisy and I wanted to see the toys. Alfie looked at the electric cars and helicopters whilst Maisy and I looked at the fluffy toys. Dad let us chose 1 toy each that was allowed to come traveling with us. Mum chose a grey, soft bunny, Maisy chose a caramel coloured bunny called Toffee, dad chose Paddington Bear (mum actually chose it but she had already chosen hers), and I chose a big fluffy teddy bear called Beary.
Buying our bears and bunnies at Harrods
 It was definitely worth coming.


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