Thursday, February 10, 2011

What a brilliant day, but sooooo tiring.

We are now in Koh Klang near Krabi in Thailand. We are staying in a hotel called 'Islanda Village Resort'.
It is the tidiest, most beautiful and most welcoming hotel I have ever stayed in before. The staff are so kind and helpful, and they would do anything for you. At the start of the day we had an excellent buffet breakfast. Then Maisy and I were desperate to go for a bike ride.

We all had our own bike. I probably got the best bike because Maisy's bike chain kept falling off and we had to keep stopping so dad could fix it. Mum and dad had to keep swapping bikes because Mum had a boy's bike which had a wonky seat that kept spinning around. Dad had a bike that was way too small for him, but it had a very large seat, (that was the only thing that fit his giant size in this country!) Lucky me!
We rode past a school and lots of happy people by the side of the road.

There were hundreds of goats,water buffalo, and cats (mum and dad always tell us to never touch cats here. But when this lady just handed
cute cats to both Maisy and I,
we had to give them a hug,
what else could we do!)



Along the way we saw a house with a little shop selling beautiful batik. We stopped for a look and the lady showed us her workshop where they made the batik. It was so interesting and we asked lots of questions, then they let us make our very own sarong. The man showed us how to dip the metal stamps in wax and print them on the cloth, then the ladies pinned the cloth up so we could colour the patterns with dye. We all loved working on our family batik and talking to the lovely ladies. They let us keep our unfinished batik and mum bought 3 more. I picked a blue one (of course), Maisy chose a really nice green one and mum chose a black and yellow flower one.

When we finally got back to the resort we were sweating like mad, we had to have a swim. We had a nice cool swim in the lovely pool. Then we did 2 hours of school work with Dad as our teacher while mum had a heavenly massage. Then we had another swim, and learnt how to play beach volley ball with the kind staff. Next, dad had his relaxing massage while we did another 2 hours of schoolwork with mum. Just in time for an amazing sunset over the water. For dinner I had a delicious plate of plain pasta with Parmesan cheese on top. For dessert we shared a yummy banana split.

The hotel had a small selection of DVD's and Maisy had just finished reading 'Around the World in 80 Days' which they had, so we watched that. Even though it wasn't exactly the same as the book it was still really good and so funny with Jackie Chan as Passepartou. It was the end of a fantastic movie and a brilliant day and time for bed.
Good night from


  1. hi charlotte
    those cats look soo cute
    i miss you
    i cant wait to hear about your next adventure
    from mel

  2. Hi Mel
    I know, how cute are they? And there were hundreds more. There are also dogs,but no one cares for them and they are wild.
    I miss you too, keep begging your mum and dad to come and visit us.I can't wait to see you.
    How are you and Ali?
    How are Whiskers and Charlie?
    Does Charlie grab anyone elses arm exept for mine?
    Bye for now, Charlotte

  3. Hi Charlotte, I just love getting a glimpse of you on Skype!!!! Your 'blog' is so interesting and full of content. I would just love to make a sarong....lucky you. We are just waiting for Braydon to arrive here from school. We will have a quick drink - I also bought him a custard tart to tide him over before heading into Sydney on the bus to see "MULOAN" at the Sydney State Theatre. It is about martial arts and acrobatics. Hope he enjoys it, but before that we have to find somewhere to feed the brute. 14 today how wonderful!!!! Dashed down to D.Y. this morning planning to have coffee with Bob and Linda, but thought about it too late and must have just missed them. Just going to give them a call. We should arrange a time for Skype and I will get them over to have a chat with you all. Continue having such a great time. Look forward to the next blog posted.... who evers turn it is. Love and hugs from us both, Grandma Pat. xxxxx

  4. Girls, in your exposition about swimming during school make sure you mention the 'heavenly' and 'relaxing' massages that Mum and Dad have had, respectively. My children would definitely work those in!! Good luck, love from Louise.

  5. hi charlotte
    whiskers and charlie are good thanks
    charlie hasent grabed any one elses arm i think
    shes missing you too

    i went on camp the second week of school for three days at lake macquarie.It was soo much fun we got to go sailing everyday but there was no wind so we got jump of the boat in the middle of nowhere. Camp was fun but 3 people went to the hospital!
    1 someone hit their head and got concusion
    2 someone got poked in the eye causing a scratch
    3 someone caught on fire while we were cooking our own dinner and now has burns all up his leg

    talk to you soon from mel

  6. that sounds awesome!!
    they look so cute

  7. i miss you soo much
    i wish i was there with you!!!
    the cats are sooo cute. did they have names?
