Friday, February 4, 2011

Gong Xi Fa Cai.

In Ipoh four days ago was very exciting, we met grandma’s brother and lots of other relatives. My uncle gave us 2 thousand bangers for Chinese New Year. (Not kidding - 2000)  They took us to a pretty restaurant but it was all booked so they took us around the back of a hotel and we got a brilliant seating position. After a huge banquet we finally  got home to the hotel.  At the hotel the fire alarm kept going off but there was no fire. The next  day we said ‘’bye bye ‘’ to Yasmin,  Susan and Grandma Linda.

Uncle has the happiest face in Malaysia.

All my relatives going to Chinese New Year dinner.

We took a taxi to Penang. During  the taxi ride I read  'Around the World in Eighty Days' with my feet across Charlotte and my head on mum. The taxi trip was 2 and a half hours long. We went across a bridge to Penang that was 13 kilometres long.
At Penang we saw a huge Buddha temple with a statue 50 or more meters tall. We took a bus there and we watched out the window for an hour. In the evening we went to the night market and I was lucky enough to buy a digital watch. It is purple and has a stop watch in it and also a light.

Checking that my watch is really waterproof. Can you see the time?
This morning I watched a lion dance ceremony for Chinese New Year good luck, the lion danced and spat out money and oranges while the drums and crashing cymbals filled the air with thunderous noise!!!!

The custom in Penang is for young girls to throw an orange into the sea to find a good husband. Mum says we will go down to the beach with a bag of oranges this afternoon. Yeah right!
You never know what truth there might be in an old Chinese proverb...


  1. Happy New Year!
    The weather is so hot here in Sydney at the moment.
    Can't wait to read about your next adventure.
