Friday, February 18, 2011

Slow Boat down The Mekong.

The Mekong River stretches 4500 kilometres from China through Burma, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia and Vietnam spilling into the South China Sea at the Mekong Delta. Our journey covered a distance of 335 kilometres meandering downstream.
We boarded our long boat in Houi Xai on the Lao side of the river after spending the night in Chiang Khong on the Thai side. The process of crossing the border / river was a series of stops and starts handled entirely by our ‘in the know’ cruise boat operator Mr Adisak. We had concerns about this part of our journey with the high risk of Malaria in the area, local conflict over border issues, what type of a boat we would be on and our safety during the trip down the river.
All our worries turned out to be unjustified as every step of the way was as easy as life on the Mekong.

The boat company we chose was certainly not the most expensive 'Luang Say' nor the cheap and very nasty speed boats. We decided to go on the Nagi of Mekong and we were absolutely delighted with the boat, the scenery, the stopovers and the people who shared our two day cruise.

Gold panning along the Mekong
Laos is one of the poorest countries in the world and has the gentlest and most unhurried people we have met. Their simple way of living highlights how happiness is worth so much more than belongings. Our first day included a stop at a small village perched along the high water bank. (We are travelling in the dry season and the river level is 10 metres lower now) The women, young and old, spend their days panning for specks of gold in the sandy river banks. They never get more than tiny flecks but they will crouch there in the ankle deep water for all the scorching hot hours of the day. The men walk inland to farm for rice and vegetables and the children travel downstream to a small school. Left in the village were the old men with the babies and toddlers. The low level people who live this basic life earn about $2- a day. At each of the little villages we stopped at, the girls had brought small toys, clothes and gifts that they didn’t use or fit anymore. The faces of the children lit up when they were given toy rabbits in baskets from Madison and preloved surf tee-shirts from Charlotte.
At one village the women were selling
hand woven silk scarves,                    
we bought a couple from a girl and stayed to play
hoola hoop with the younger ones.
Paul handed out Chuppa Chups which they were
extremely happy to have but after a few minutes
Charlotte noticed they had no idea what to do
First ever Chuppa Chup
with them.
Paul opened one for a girl and
motioned the licking action.
She was hesitant at first but
it never takes long for that
sweet sugar hit to take
hold and a lovely smile
spread across her face.

Grandpa daycare
Our midway stop at Pak Beng provided simple accommodation and a chance to walk around and enjoy a local meal with our new travelling friends, sharing stories and Beer Lao. We were all up early the next morning and walked up and down the only street in the dark, watching the people prepare for their day. The darkness gave way to a cold mist and we boarded the boat again at 7.30am. The first hour was eerie and cold in the surrounding mist. By 9am the sun broke through and we continued down the mystical Mekong.

We enjoyed a few more village stops and then about 10 kilometres before arriving at Luang Probang we stopped at the Pak Ou Buddha Caves which is a must for all Buddhists visiting Laos. The cave temple has been visited by Buddhist for the last two thousand years and houses a vast number of Buddha statues.
We all had such a wonderful two days on the Mekong. It was a lovely way to travel and every part of the journey was an amazing eye opening adventure. 
Our arrival at Luang Probang



  1. i was learning about the Mekong
    river today sounds cool

  2. Hello Charlotte!!!
    Mum lost the link to your blog, but we're back on track now thanks to Ms Jeffery...
    Oh my goodness Charlotte! You don't know how much I miss you! The whole of our group do! What an adventure you've had! I am so jealous. I keep writing something and then backspacing because I'm not sure what I can say that would show you how much I miss you!!!
    I have loved looking at all of your photots! (Especially the ones with the billions of fish!) I love reading about all of your adventures too.

    We have the swimming carnival tommorow... I'M SO NERVOUS!!!
    We are hoping to get Skype up and running this weekend and then I can FINALLY see your face! It's been so long...
    Chat soon,
    Love Gel

  3. Dear Madison,
    I've been missing you heaps!!!!!!!!
    It looks like you're having a great time.
    I love the picture of the gold buddha.

  4. Hi Lee, Paul, Charlotte and Madison,
    Sorry we've been so slack - I lost the link....
    Anyway, all good now. Your trip through Asia looks amazing - bringing back many memories of my time in Thailand. Loved the shot of Lee and the girls in traditional Thai dress - you know how I love a good dress up!
    Sensational sunset shots Lee - can't wait to see the photo book of this trip!
    Looking forward to following your travels more closely now. BTW - our new email is
    Love and rainbows to you all,
    Leesa xxx
    PS - David wants to know if Paul's manhood is still in tact after that swim with the fishies!!

  5. hi Charlotte thanks for the postcard
    i love it i will keep it safe if Ali doesn't take it
    i miss you sooo much
    talk to u soon from Mel

  6. Hi you all,
    Just read your about your travels down the Mekong. It brought back all the good memories as I did the same one with Adisak. You will love Luang Prabang. The two waterfalls you can visit there are just super. You might want to go to a place called Utopia in Luang Prabang. It's a really nice place to relax for a drink etc. as it has board games and a volleyball court; overlooking one of the rivers, very comfortable.
    Have a lovely time!
    Lots of love

  7. that sounds fn
    the little kids are really cute!!
    Miss you
