Sunday, February 13, 2011

4 Island Tour.

Yesterday our family had a fantastic day; first we got a FWD tuk tuk truck up to the end of the beach. TThere was a long boat waiting for us to take us on a 4 island tour. Our captain had really crooked teeth but a very happy smile.

The weather was perfect, the sun was very bright and we all got a bit burnt.
Our first stop was Tup Island, there we went snorkelling between two little islands. I saw some zebra fish and a few sea cucumbers. The water was lovely, warm and so clear.

Next was a wild trip to Chicken Island. We stopped in the deep water and saw a million gazillion zebra fish. We were feeding them stale bread and swimming with them. It was a mixture of feelings, I was scared and so happy to have all the fish around me. Sometimes they gave you a bite. It was very crazy.
I have never seen so many fish.
And I was in the water with them!

Then we went around Koh Poda and had a stop for a picnic lunch.
Mum took lots of photos of the beautiful scenery & she also found a super tree-swing for me. We had another swim here, just next to our boat but there were lots of people at this place so we moved on.



Last stop was at RaiLay beach. We had a walk to the other end of the beach. At the other end of the beach:
 #Dad stopped to have a drink.
#We saw a very cute monkey.
#People were doing rock-climbing.
#People were jumping off a really high rock into the water.
#Lots of tourists here.
I had lots of fun on the 4 island tour.

1 comment:

  1. that sounds like alot of fun
    i would have been so scared if i was surrounded by so many fish.
    the beaches look nice and the water is SO clear!!
    i miss you guys and hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday!!
