Sunday, February 6, 2011

Bussing it in Penang.

We decided to explore the island of Penang using the local bus service instead of the heavy relied upon tourist taxis. The busses were always clean and air conditioned but as we found out there was just no limit to the number of people you could get into a bus. One trip we took from our hotel in Tanjung Bungah to the market strip of  Batu Ferringhi passed along many small sandy beaches with huge rocks the size and colour of elephants bathing in the gentle surf. The roads were windy and at times came within metres of the water’s edge. We saw monkeys running along the telegraph wires above, which had much clearer paths than the tangled vines and overgrown bamboo. This, right next to palatial hotels and immaculate resorts.
The 101 bus we caught was so full the four of us hovered directly behind the closed front door with Charlotte perched on the front window sill next to the driver.

The view was sensational from this vantage point as we compared this journey to the girl’s weekly Tuesday afternoon bus trip home on the 736 to Dee Why.
The return trip was even more crammed and we weren’t so lucky with our position this time.  We got on the bus and more and more people kept following us on. The bus driver just could not say ‘no’ to any passengers and everyone kept squeezing in. I must say the Malays are very obliging and always willing to move over and make room. Eventually we were stuck near the back but at least we were up a step above most. From this point I thought I’d try and count the number of passengers already on board. Ninety-two heads including my own but then at the next stop a mother got off with 2 small children that I never counted so I don’t know how many more children were smothered in amongst the crowd. Four more got on so that brought my visible total to 95.
Just a thought, all Australian buses have the mandatory sign quoting the legal limit of seated and standing passengers. My next mission was to find the sign on this bus. It had to be somewhere. It was organised enough to have the drivers name, identity number and photograph posted just behind him.
It wasn’t until we unfolded ourselves and weaved through the bodies to disembark that I found the mark of comparison. I couldn’t understand the words but the numbers were clear.  20 seated and 25 standing!
If you’ve got to the end of this post and are wondering why anyone would write so much about a bus trip… Well, we have been sitting in a mini van for the last 3 hours crossing the Thai border…………………………………………………..
The girls are going to run out out of power on their DS’s soon so I’ll need to end now and help them cope with it.
Just had to get out of the mini van to walk across the border at passport control.

Absolute CHAOS !
The reason for our trip to Batu Ferringhi was to take Paul to a fish spa. The girls and I had done it and we thought it was a must for Paul and his sensitive feet and squirmish hangups.



  1. Hey just wondering if you've seen my blog and all my animals. some are at the bottom and some are to the right. I bet Maisy had a great time with her relatives and that they look alike hahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahaha

    From your BFFL ßrønt£

  2. Hi Carr Family,

    Very lovely to hear that you are experiencing amazing moments in Malaysia. The story about your bus trip is very interesting and funny. I can imagine how exciting it must be for Charlotte and Maisy experiencing all different situations and conditions. Your story brings back memories of my growing up years in Jakarta. The buses were very very uncomfortable and always packed with hundreds passengers who often smoke - Yack! I used to hang on the door with one leg in and one leg out of the bus or stood up all the way with my neck tilted downward into my chest as the bus was travelling - how uncomfortable it was! I still don't know how I did that without having to go to chiropractor the next day, but I kind of miss those adventures, especially after reading your news! (Wait a minute.... let me think harder..... maybe not!) Well guys, enjoy the rest of your trip. We miss you all and I talk to you soon.

  3. Hi Paul,

    Are you feeding your feet to the fish? Isn't that meant to be good to get rid of dead skin? But poor little fish - hope they won't have stomach upset after that! :>

  4. This makes our trip to Stokes Bay very relaxing in comparison - nothing got nibbled off us whilst we were in the water!! It sounds like so much fun!!
