Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Breakfast in Ipoh.

Hallelujah, what a find! Whilst out trying to find breakfast, some-thing apart from smoked dog or crispy cat, we stumbled on a cafe of sorts on a corner near our hotel. Not much to look at, old tables and chairs with various wheelbarrow style food outlets, the conversation of toast came up. Charlotte's eyes lit up like candles as we ordered several pieces. I must confess that whilst sitting and waiting for them to arrive I my-self was really craving something plain. Didn't  really expect it to arrive as I would imagine, but to all our surprise it was just fantastic, just like we would have at home. More were ordered and the next day we returned with our own tube of Vegemite. Go the Aussies!
Crispy Cat

More importantly Maisy had char siew pows and Lee had
che cheong fun. Delicious and authentic Ipoh cuisine. 



  1. So where did you find Mr Bigglesworth ?
    He looks like he's got Jack's attitude.
