Sunday, August 14, 2011

In the trees.

Another perfect day in Vienna and we were out the door at 9 am. It was a public holiday Monday for the Assumption of the Virgin Mary so Wolfi, Christine and Nico were free and  joined us for the day. We drove 45 minutes through Vienna, just out past the fringes of the city to the start of the woodlands and the hills to a town called Puckersdorf.
Our day was to be spent hanging high in the trees of the forest as we joined in the adventures of an aerial ropes course and maneuvered our way from tree to tree via wobbly bridges, tightropes, spider nets, flying fox and more.

We all enjoyed an action packed day at Kletterpark. The kids put in a fantastic effort on the very challenging course sometimes way over 10 metres above ground. Maisy was under the 140 cm minimum height for the black course but somehow that got lost in translation and she managed to spider her way around.

Easily agreed upon as the most ridiculously challenging section of the course was the buckets. Wolfi led the way like an expert and even though it seemed impossible we all managed to make it around the course, ending on a 130 metre long zipwire.

After such an energetic morning we all went home for lunch and a rest but not so for Nico who is competing in the Vienna Chess Tournament. We rode in later to watch him play at the beautiful old Town Hall. He is playing like a champion and has won his first 3 games. He has games against adults from around the world but he takes on each game in his stride and plays with extreme focus. One game against a 60 year old Polish man lasting 4 hours and 4 minutes. WOW
After the game we enjoyed a meal at the food markets infront of the Town Hall and then rode back through the city to our apartment and a very peaceful sleep to rest our aching muscles.


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