Thursday, August 11, 2011


We are in Vienna now and we are renting an apartment from some friends and they have a son called Nico. They live right next door. Nico is on school holidays now and today he took us to his soccer camp. We also went two days ago.
 It was all boys and Charlotte and me. We did a lot of drills that I have done before. There were lots of new drills as well like doing a throw-in to the chest. They try and stop it by letting it hit their boot or shin or if it is too high they bounce it off their chest.  Another drill is you weave the ball through 3 markers and then try and score a goal past the goalie. We also did this fun game where your partner (Charlotte) had to lean on a wall and bend over and poke her bottom out at me. I had to kick the ball at her and if I whacked her bottom I got 3 points. I got a bullseye on my first kick. YAH!!

For lunch we had fish fingers and chips. Then Nico’s mum came and picked us up, when we got back there was a very late birthday parcel for Charlotte from Donna.  Inside was a cool satchel bag and inside the bag were more presents, there was lip shine, nail polish, a bookmark , heaps of chocolates, a book and 2 more bags. Mum also got a very late birthday present and it was a PJ set.
In the afternoon we rode back to the Prater and played with Nico. I went on the giant swing again. I didn't go to the very top because last week we saw this little girl fall off and she came crashing down. It must have been so scary for her and she will be so sore.

Tonight we are going to watch 'The Sound of Music' because tomorrow we are going to Salzburg.


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