Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Balancing in Bruges.

Today we did a tour of Bruges and our feet did not touch the ground and we did not use fuel and we did not go by horse or on the water.      
 How did we do our tour? 


When we first came to Bruges we did not have very good weather but we could see these two-wheeler-electric-motor-bikish things and it looked fun so we went and talked about it and how much it would costs and we also looked at how much normal bikes would cost to hire for a day. Finally mum and dad gave in. So we were walking down the street to the laundry and bumped in to a Segway shop and asked if we could do it on Monday and he gave me a test go to see if I could do it. Well today is Monday and we got there at 10 minutes to 10:00am and the sun was out and not a cloud was in the sky.

When you see it you think you need a lot of balance but you don’t need much at all, all you need to control is the direction your Segway goes in.  To make it go forwards you lean forward and to make it slow down, stop or go backwards you lean or pull back on the handle bars. After a while your legs start to ache even though you are just standing, because it uses muscles you barely ever use.  We had a 2 hour tour around the bumpy streets in Bruges. Charlie was our guide and he was a bit strange but his boyfriend Andre was really nice and he was the one that taught me how to use the Segway.


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