Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tonnes of fun in Tonbridge.

Three days in Tonbridge with the Kempster clan pumped fresh blood through our veins and gave us the vitality of youth. A busy little family that reminded us of our younger selves, we felt right at home with Donna, Gareth, little Olivia and baby Charlotte. We hadn’t seen Donna and Gareth since they became a family and we were so lucky to be welcomed and become a part of their home for a snippet of their lives. Our girls soaked in the family life and loved playing with Olivia and cuddles with Charlotte.

Gareth had us on the river, showing us the sights of Tonbridge as only the Sea Scouts know how. We had him on the barbie teaching him a few Aussie secrets and together we enjoyed many good times.
Donna had us laughing till we cried, reminiscing on stories from the old days of Paul and her when they could both speak fluent Indian and fly cars around the streets of Harrow.
Olivia had me searching my memories for the words to those much loved nursery rhymes. I’m sure I got a few of the lyrics mixed up but we can just blame that on the Aussie version. Miss Polly sends her love.
And beautiful baby Charlotte, I will miss her so much. Just about to crawl and take on the world, she will be hard to keep up with once she gets going. Just as well she has Olivia by her side.

Thanks Donna and Gareth for a truly wonderful couple of days.
 Hope to see you again Down Under.
Lots of love

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