Sunday, June 12, 2011

Eiffel Tower.

More handstand photos on our HANDSTAND Page
A few days ago we went to the Eiffel Tower; it was the sunniest day of the whole week so that was good.  We walked there from our apartment; it only took about 30 minutes to walk. When we got there, there were two queues to get the elevator up. One was a massive queue which definitely went up and dad and I lined up there. The other was just short but we didn’t know whether it would open, Mum and Charlotte lined up in that queue.  At 9.30 when the gates opened, Mum’s queue took off and dad and I had to run like mad to get to mum and we got up really quick.   Good one  mum!           
The queue to go up the Eiffel Tower.
Taken from the first level.
We chose to use the lift because our legs would have got very tired if we walked all the way up.
When we got to the 1st level we saw heaps of signs that say how far away the countries are. We found Sydney easily, it was 16,962 kilometres away.  So far away.   
You could see for miles and miles all around, infact you can see 74 kilometres on a fine day and it was a fine day. I could not believe how high it was because when you are on the ground it doesn’t look as high as it does when you are on the top floor looking down.

Mum, Puss and me at the top.

Looking straight down from the top.

Our apartment is between the Palais de Chaillot and the park.

Paris and the Arc de Triomphe

Puss leaping off the Eiffel Tower.
No cape but he still survived.

1} They use 50 tonnes of paint every 7 years to paint the Eiffel Tower.
2} It has a double decker elevator.
3}  It has 1,665 steps from bottom to top.
4}  It was built in 1889 for the Universal Exhibition, and was only meant to be temporary
5}   It was the tallest building in the world for 40 years until 1931.
6}   In 1912 a local tailor launched himself from the tower using a cape as wings. ……..dead man.
7}   It has 2.5million rivets.
8}   The top level is 276 metres above the ground.
9}   The whole tower is 324 metres high.
10}  We had dinner at Place du Trocerdero and from about 9pm it is all lit up. Then at 10pm it twinkles with a million sparkling lights.

Soooooooooooooooo beautiful!   
I will remember it forever.


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