Monday, October 31, 2011

Cooking up a storm.

In Hoi An, Vietnam we as a family had done a cooking class and I was surprised at how much I really enjoyed it. So, while in Barcelona we decided to do another, this time to make the traditional dish Paella. We met at a downtown bar along with about 10 other eager travellers and headed off with our chef to La Boqueria market to buy our produce. 

We had been warned by just about everyone we met about pickpockets in this town so I had only left a folded-up map in my back pocket. The market was crowded and had a real buzz and we were all interested to immerse ourselves with the locals. Great fun. At one point I got shoved in the back by a short young girl with a beanie and as I turned around to protest she just marched off with head down and kept going. I thought no more of it until I needed the map and yep, it had gone! I had been “taken” and didn’t even know. Two woman also bumped into Lee one right after the other, obviously a well rehearsed routine to distract and pilfer. Luckily Lee was penniless.

After we bought our fresh ingredients like prawns, octopus, mussels etc,  we were off to the back of a restaurant for our lesson. Out came a huge paella dish capable of feeding about 25 people and off we went. From woe to go was about 3 very enjoyable hours and we drank Sangria and ate till our tummy’s were full, meeting new friends and all telling our stories. Our girls at one stage hanging out with a table of backpackers entertaining them with tales of our travels.

We even got a compliment about our “very interesting and well-mannered children”

By this time it was way past 10pm so off to the bus station through the still very vibrant Las Ramblas, where Charlotte and Maisy, not accustomed to being out so late in a major town took it all in with the lights all around like little twinkling jewels. 

We should have thrown a coin in a fountain somewhere in Barcelona as we want to return one day for more exploring, eating and entertainment.
They really enjoyed the “night scene” but, almost midnight, we stumbled into our little apartment after missing our bus stop and walking back about 3 kilometers in the dark, it was time for bed.


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