Monday, October 3, 2011

"Oh my God!"

So when Lee came to me with the suggestion that while in Rome we ought to stay in a monastery, it was not without a small amount of resistance before I decided that while on an adventure traveling the world, we may as well add to it and stay with The Sisters of Giuseppe di Cluny in their ‘Nunastery’ as Maisy calls it, not far from the Colosseum.

We were greeted so warmly that I found any preconceptions I may have harboured were dispelled at once. Not a place that you felt at odds with but a light and happy place with a large room waiting for us, 4 single beds and our own ensuite. Pushing the shutters to one side and opening the large arched window to reveal a court yard below and colourful Roman vista above, it was the perfect setting for our stay in Rome, the gorgeous yellows and burnt oranges of the surrounding buildings making it the most picturesque place to stay. 
The Monastery was a large and immaculately kept building in the heart of Rome and we were lucky enough to park our car behind the big iron gates. The security in and out was second to “nun” with electric doors to enter and cameras all around, even loud speakers so a calming voice from above could guide you through the long, marble corridors.

Inside on the second level was a magnificent court yard with 4 imposing palm trees and neatly cut box hedges, fountains and bright flowers for a bit of ambient down time and a chance for the girls to learn to talk in whispered tones (Shhhhhhhhh!). 

But in truth, what made it special for us were the sisters and their smiling faces. There were 5 that were from India and spoke English (and 5 other languages!). They always engaged with us and were ready with a smile and a laugh. When I told them how close we had got to the Pope, and the fact I had given him a high five, one shrieked in laughter and shouted “Oh my God!”. We learned that this was her favourite catch phrase as she would often use it with an open smile when talking with us.
When we left, Charlotte gave a Rupee coin to the nun and she let out another “Oh my God!” as she embraced and hugged her. It was a fitting end to our stay.


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