Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Last Day in Barcelona.

On our last day in Barcelona we had to get on the ferry to Tangier in Morocco. It was the end of day-light savings so the clocks went back an hour and we thought we had plenty of time to get on the boat.

So, just before we went to the port we stopped at a huge church called Sagrada Familia, although it has scaffolding, ladders, ropes and cranes all over it, it was huge and so intricate.
While we were there we stopped at a coffee shop to admire the view, then this big van parked up right in front of us and blocked our wonderful view. So we left early to go to the port.

It was an enormous port and just by luck we got to the correct place where our ferry was leaving from. We parked our car in the long line of cars waiting to board and mum and dad sorted out passports and tickets.
Then we went to a flea market along the edge of the port. There were lots of interesting trinkets but we found nothing to get so we walked further around the port to get some lunch. Mum and CC got a sandwich and orange juice each. Dad and I got a big M (Maccas) and I got a plastic Snowie (Tin Tin’s dog), a blue pencil and a quiz booklet. 

While we were sitting on the wharf enjoying the sunshine we suddenly realised we were late for the boat and we got up and ran as fast as we could through the crowds to our car. When we got to the giant car park ours was the only car left there and all the police and guards were standing around it. We jumped in and drove on board. We were the last car on the boat. So we made it on alive. Late again! 
Last car on board.


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