Friday, July 1, 2011

Day at Dunkirk.

Having 10 days in one place is a luxury when travelling so when we had time in Bruges we decided to take a day-trip to Dunkirk. The pull was there for me because I know my grandfather Ken was there in 1940 for the mass evacuation of France in WW2, so I thought I would stand on the same beach and try to imagine how it would have been. The day was bright and sunny and we were all surprised at how the beach looked. I think too many war movies as a kid had me thinking the worse but it was an endless sandy beach as far as the eye could see each way that was dead flat and calm. It really dawned on me that this was the best place to get boats in and out as the waves were non existstant and the terrain perfect for the 900 boats to remove the hundreds of thousands of soldiers. Well done Churchill and my grandad.



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