Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CPH by Madison.

A few days ago we arrived in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark. Mum booked us into a backpackers in the centre of the town for 4 nights. Dad has a friend who lives in Copenhagen and her name is Elly, she took us on a tour of the town and also on a canal boat cruise. On the cruise we saw lots of really old buildings and heaps of new, interesting buildings. We went passed the Little Mermaid statue and when we got off we went for a long walk. We went to see Princess Mary’s Palace and saw the smart guards marching around the palace protecting the royal family. Prince Frederick and Mary were in because their flag was flying above their palace but we didn’t see them.
Not far from Mary's place is the harbour and there were some enormous boats there. One was called 'The World' and it is like a luxury holiday house for really, really mega rich people. They spend their whole time sailing around the world going to beautiful places. It looked so awesome.

The Danish Opera House is almost as spectacular as our Danish designed one.

We walked to Nyhavn and had lunch beside the canal in the sunshine. We walked all the way back to the Little Mermaid and Charlotte and I climbed out to her but I fell in the water and had to take my shoes and socks off. Hans Christian Andersen is a famous Danish author. He also wrote The Princess and the Pea and The Ugly Duckling and lots of other stories.

In front of Mary's palace
Hans Christian Anderson

The next day Elly drove us to the beach near Copenhagen and I collected seaweed and swam and had a brilliant time. We could see Sweden on the other horizon. Soon after that she took us to the Queen’s Summer palace and I had a massive 7 scoop ice-cream. 
We also went to this hippy place called Christiania. The people took over this place and they built their homes out of scraps and they have their own rules. We saw them selling weird drugs that looked like chocolates and  they grow marijuana in their gardens.           
Back  at Copenhagen Mum and Dad and Elly went to the Jazz Festival just outside our hostel and Charlotte and I watched the Little Mermaid on YouTube. It was 8 parts so it was quite long. I also finished reading The Dragon Keeper that night. It was the best book ever.  

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