Thursday, July 14, 2011

København to Sverige.

It  was a much longer journey from Copenhagen to Sweden than we estimated. We thought it would be just a 4 hour drive over the bridge but the Garmin took us the very, very long way to the port and we had to catch a massive ferry over which cost kr80- for all of us and the car to cross. Mum said it was worth it as she remembered the Jardine River at the top of Cape York cost $80- as well and she could have swam that distance if it wasn’t for the crocodiles.

The best bit about the boat though was that there was a lolly shop on board. Maisy and I rushed towards it like a magnet pulling metal. Dad said we could spend all the left over Danish Krone we could find in the car. We found 30 Krone and then had to find something worth exactly that. BULLSEYE! We found a monster pack of Maltesers. Mum’s favourite. ( Well one of them – she has many.)

The boat trip was only half an hour and dad found this crazy Swedish man to talk to. He told us that Swedish people have no sense of humour but he was really funny. He looked a bit like Santa Claus in a red cycling suit.

It was still another three hour drive from the port. I saw a sign that read “Beware of Moose” and dad said if anyone spots one they will get 2 Swedish Krona for lolly money!!! We all kept our eyes peeled.

When we finally got to Figeholm, we drove off the highway and into the woods. We drove for about ten minutes along a dirt track and in the middle of the woods there was a small cottage owned by our Danish friends Kristian and Lone. It was Kristian’s hunting lodge. It is a two storey browney-red wood house with lots and lots of flora around. We couldn't wait to explore around the cabin.

Soon after we arrived, Maisy and I discovered a huge cherry tree in the back and wild raspberries and strawberries as sweet as sugar growing all over the place. We collected heaps in our hats. We put up this old ladder against the cherry tree and climbed up with a bucket. We gathered enough cherries for a feast after dinner. Many of the cherries had been bitten and we thought it was the birds but when the sun was setting we saw a family of about 7 weasels running all over the cherry tree pinching the lovely cherries up high that we couldn't reach.

That night we played Rumikub at the outside table. Mum made a delicious soup and all the trees around watched us as we made the only noise in the forest. Kristian’s lodge is just perfect for us. We have everything we need here. We caught up on schoolwork and sleep. It is a beautiful part of Sweden. So peaceful and still except for when mum plays ABBA up loud.


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