Thursday, July 7, 2011

Danish Ears.

Five days ago we drove to Denmark from Bremen in Germany. When we first got here everything was so green and the sun was blazing hot. We put in our Garmin the address of my dad’s best friend’s brother Kristian and his wife Lone’s house. It took us right there and it was like a fairy tale cottage. They live in the middle of Denmark near a place called Herning.

They have a beautiful house in the woods with a massive garden and when I stepped out of the car their hunting dog called Steffi was getting herself tangled in my legs. She was so obedient to Kristian and lots of fun for us.   The next day we went to pick up Hollo their other dog that is a cute little Pomeranian. We also found out that Steffi was accidently shot last year and there are still 17 pieces of shrapnel in her body. You can feel them when you pat her.  I saw the x-ray of her body after she was shot and you could not imagine anything surviving that. She is sooooooooo lucky to be alive. I want to play with her all the time.

Kristian and Lone showed us all around. One day we visited their son Lasse and his wife Gitte at their summer house by the sea. They have 4 kids, Gustav is 4 and then the twins William and Caroline are almost 2 and the little baby Leonore is 2 months old. They were all so nice and we walked to the beach. Charlotte, Gustav and I caught 9 crabs and I had a favourite one called Fred and when we let them go he got a kiss from me.  VERY SALTY!

One time we had to go to Holstebro because Kristian needed to go to the bank. The rest of us went for a walk down the street and we passed a jewellery shop. Mum asked Lone if she knew if you could get your ears pierced there and she said 'YES'. I have been begging mum and dad for weeks now to get my ears pierced because soon I will be 10. We couldn’t find anywhere in Paris and mum was not happy with the piercing places in Amsterdam so finally yessss we found a place to do it. We went in and the nice lady gave me a choice of earrings. Mum said to get the plain gold ones but I wanted the tiny diamonds and dad said ‘yes’. Woooo Hooooo, I got the sparkly diamonds. YAY!  It really did sting at first but then it just felt normal and I think the hot chocolate after helped. When we went to the bank Kristian did not notice until I told him after a while. So now I love that my ears are pierced.

PS. Thanks Mum 



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