Monday, December 26, 2011

Christmas in Pau.

We spent Christmas in Pau with  David, Sandra, William and Guillaume. On Christmas morning, when we stepped outside, we saw a thin layer of white on all the roofs.
It was the first frost of the season!
 ALMOST a white Christmas.

 For breakfast we had delicious smoked salmon and eggs on toast and then opened our presents. Maisy, William and I had bought and wrapped up a Barbie doll for Guillaume as a trick, and in return William and Guillaume wrapped up an onion and nuts for us, it was pretty funny!!! Guillaume played with his Barbie all morning rearranging all the different body-parts and turning it into a headless monster.

Guillaume also got a kite and a trumpet. William got a magic box and a puzzle. Maisy got hoop earrings and Moroccan pyjamas. I got a beautiful heart locket necklace and a watch. Then we all got a massive surprise…we all got our own Kindle with a different coloured case with books already loaded onto it. I had the Skulduggery series, Percy Jackson series and Twilight series on mine. I was so totally amazed! Maisy spent as much time on hers that day fiddling and working out EVERYTHING, she was even more than a quarter of the way through one of the Percy Jackson books by the end of the day.

As a tradition, David and Sandra took us to the Pau Race track to watch the horse race. I thought number 3, a stunning brown horse would win and that number 4, a magnificent Black Beauty would come second looking at the shape of the horses, their stride and how the jockey was positioned. Amazingly the 2 that I guessed got the places I thought they would and the number three only won by a nose. I don’t know how I guessed that!??? But sadly, all the horses were panting so heavily and breathing the frosty air some had very, very red nostrils that looked like they were bleeding.
Then it was time to go back home and have a Christmas feast with one of the neighbours, Albert. We had turkey and loads of roast vegetables with brussels sprouts and chestnuts and heaps of gravy, then lemon tart, toffee oranges and a chocolate log for pudding. All D-E-L-I-C-I-O-U-S!!!
I loved it all. 

We even fired some party poppers and party crackers with small gifts and jokes;
What is always coming, but never appears?


Why did the skeleton not go to the Christmas party?

Because he had no-body to go with him.

That night we watched Ratatouille and then Doctor Who.
 Such a fabulous Christmas.
We were all so lucky.


From Charlotte

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