Saturday, December 10, 2011

A drink with old friends - Santillana del Mar.

Before going back to my brother's in Pau for Christmas, we looked up an old friend that I grew up with in Harrow. Rob is now married to Becky and has Francesca (10) and Tobias (6) and now lives near Santander in north western Spain.

Living on 13 acres of countryside with beautiful sea views, they have renovated a large farm house that now combines a family home with 3 self-contained flats that get rented out as a nice little income. We stayed 5 nights and the days went by so fast.

The time was spent enjoying wine and beer and great food and hospitality only to be marred by a fall by Francesca that ended in hospital for 6 stitches above the eye and 2 front teeth broken off. She was so brave and was back to herself the next day. What a trooper!

After Christmas we left Davids on the 28th Dec to get the ferry from Bilbao to Portsmouth and guess who was on the ferry to surprise us??? ------------------ More drinks!!

Thanks for a super week Becky and Rob.
Hope to see you Down Under sometime soon.

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