Saturday, December 24, 2011

A White Christmas Eve.

The day before Christmas we went on a freezing walk in the snow. It was meant to be a 2 hour walk but we were all so frozen we could only stand it for like 20 minutes. David and Sandra took us up to the top of the Pyrenees. It was a windy road all the way up and I don’t like windy roads at all but the snow outside my window was bedazzling. It helped me to forget how I was feeling. At the top we got out of the car and threw snow balls at each other and soon it was too cold to move (or at least that is how I felt). Charlotte, William and Guillaume slid down a little hill and got wet bottoms and looked like penguins sliding on their bellies. Mum and I fell over on the ice. It was so slippery and then we had to go so carefully.

We all decided we wouldn’t continue on our walk so dad and David walked back down the hill to bring the car up for us.  We drove a little bit further and then we were in Spain again. We all had a cup of hot chocolate except Charlotte who had a cold chocolate. We also had a big slice each of Spanish chocolate cake. There was a fireplace in the cafĂ© but it couldn’t even warm us up. We were sooooooo cold.
The Carr Brothers direction sense...
When we were all in the car ready to drive back down David came up to us holding a plastic water bottle, he explained to us that if you keep a little water in the bottle with the mountain air and screw the lid on tight when we get down to our normal altitude the bottle will crumple from the pressure of the air so we tried it. The bottle did actually slowly cave in and it was like someone had squeezed the air out. We also all had a guess at what time we would get home. Our ETA (Estimated Time of Arrival). Mum guessed exactly right. Boooo! Any way it was a wonderful white Christmas Eve.


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