Friday, December 16, 2011

School in France.

Whilst we were staying in France with our cousins, William and Guillaume,

we thought it would be an excellent experience for Maisy and I to go to school for a little while with Guillaume. So on Guillaume’s second last day of school Maisy and I joined in. Mum walked us all to the gates, and by the time we were in the playground Maisy and I were like tourist attractions. Guillaume said there were only 108 people in his school but I think the whole 108 people were staring at us. With Guillaume and I a clear head taller than anyone else everyone came to look at us. Guillaume got asked more than 100 times what our names were, how old we were and where we were from. When the lunch bell rang we were lining up for class. The teacher was also smaller than me and we were the tallest in the class. We were doing Christmas art and craft. We made clever Christmas cards and baubel type decorations. The card was an A4 piece of paper folded in half with a neat rectangle cut out of the front. In the inside of the card we stuck a sticky sheet of see through contents and the decorated it with little sequences and stickers. Because the front was now sticky, we then had to put another piece of contents on top so the sequences were stuck in the middle and could not escape. We then wrote ‘Joyeux Noël’ meaning Merry Christmas. The next step was to cut 4-5 circles out of wrapping paper and then stick them on the card to make balloons. In the end, the card looked like this:


We had an excellent time at French School and would love to go again. Thank you Guillaume for being our translator.

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