Monday, September 12, 2011

Disturbing the peace.

Remember that ad on TV a while ago of a couple walking along a beach on Kangaroo Island and there was this annoying man sitting on a banana chair with a radar detector.  He gave them a warning for speeding on the sand. It was an irritating ad because I thought, ‘How dumb! Who cares how fast you walk?’

Well, I think I could have just earned myself a speeding ticket while walking through Postira.

Sometimes when we can steal an hour, Paul and I like to walk through a town without the noisy shadows and just take in the scenery, watch the people carry on with their lives and breathe in the aromas of the season. I found my hour today while Paul and the girls were fishing off the pier late in the afternoon.

As I walked past the shop owners leaning back on the chairs in front of their open doors, the old men checking their fruits were still hanging on their vines, as the fishing boats bobbed up and down and the mums took in the tired washing, I walked over hundred year old cobble stones and under ancient stone towers. This town exudes tranquillity and restfulness. Nothing happens fast here and time seems to have no meaning. My pace must have quickened as I walked down a gentle slope on my way back to the harbour.
A man watering his mandarin plants called to me in Croatian.

I said ‘Hello’ back and he replied in English,
"What is the matter?”                          
I smiled, “I’m just out walking.”                                                                         
He took a deep breath and said, “There’s no hurry. Go slow.”


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