Friday, September 9, 2011

Brač (pronounced Bratch).

After staying in the capital city Zagreb for two nights, we did a days worth of travel to get to our dream holiday destination in Croatia, Brac, where we are staying for 2 weeks. Brac is one of 1246 islands in Croatia, and it is the third largest. It stretches from the mainland towns of Split to Makarska in the Adriatic Sea.
We are staying in a small fishing town called Postira.
It has a beautiful bay, and around that, the petite town is settled. There are about 10 cafés, a bakery, 1 butcher, 1 pharmacy, 1 supermarket, 1 church up in the hills and 1 tiny chapel by the water, it is perfect for us. We are living in a villa 5 metres away from the Adriatic Sea. The view is amazing, a crystal clear green sea with the speckled mountain ranges from the mainland over the channel. It is so relaxing here.

There is good fishing and I'm starting to enjoy eating fish now, the sun is lovely and hot. Not harsh like in Australia but gentle and bright. The water is so clear for snorkelling, you can see so far underwater.  Our school work hasn’t arrived yet and we have missed out on more than 2 weeks so far, Maisy just can’t believe her luck! Everyone is so very happy and relaxed here.

On our second day we decided we would go to Bol, a town on the other side of Brac that is slightly larger and more touristy to see what it is like. Zlatni Rat is an unusual beach. It is triangle shaped and stretches out into the sea. There are so many amazing pictures of that beach on the web and on postcards that we expected it to be lovely, and it was. The worst bit about it was that there were heaps of nude people sun baking and I think they looked really awkward!!! 

We bought 3 pairs of snorkels and 1 pair of goggles, 1 net and 1 blow-up donut to float on at the markets at Bol. We had an excellent time.

That afternoon we drove to the northern tip of the island to Sumartin, to pick-up dad’s cousin Georgina and her friend Lucy.  They stayed with us for 3 nights and tonight they will get a bus and ferry to Hvar, a party island for backpackers. We had so much fun with George and Lucy. One night they babysat us and mum and dad went up to Dol for dinner.
Every day we go in the water. If the sea is a bit choppy, we go in the pool instead where we have shoulder wars, Maisy on top of Lucy and me on top of Georgina. Georgina was a good support underneath and we nearly won every game. We also went to a few small bays where we went snorkelling and swimming. Maisy has found three really pretty, pearly shells and hopes to find more.

This is definitely one of the most beautiful and relaxing places we have been to this year. I don’t think dad will ever leave, especially if he catches a huge fish that is very tasty, not that he has!!!


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