Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy as....

One of our most hilarious experiences in Asia involved much of the same substance we have been trying with all our might to stay away from.   MUD
Nha Trang is a coastal town which offers long sandy beaches, offshore islands, water fun-parks and diving among the underwater caves and reefs.  We arrived on a very early morning flight from Hoi An and after a little catch-up sleep after breakfast we headed for the Thap Ba Hot Springs.
The mud here is pumped up from 100 metres underground and reaches the surface at a delightful 40 degrees and quite sloppy. We were ushered to our tub where the 6 of us slipped into our own mud soup. With the consistency of runny custard and a little sand mixed in, the colour of a rich mushroom soup and no odour at all we were as happy as …..

It didn’t take long to get down and dirty, in fact it came quite natural to some in our group. We sat and slopped it all about letting the minerals do their work and turn our weather beaten skin beautiful and soft.

The rest of the afternoon included an assortment of showers, spa baths, pressure sprays, waterfalls and swimming pools. It was certainly an interesting experience .  My skin may well be soft and glowing but I can’t hear the compliments as my ears are still full of mud.



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