Saturday, March 12, 2011

Hand Made in Hoi An.

In the charming back streets of Hoi An you can never have a day without looking and buying lovely little decorations.  Whenever you look into a shops window you always want to buy something but we have no more room to carry anything more than a bookmark.

There are no cars or motorbikes allowed in the little streets, it is usually nice and peaceful and you don’t need to worry about getting run over.

Lots of the buildings are yellow with pretty flowers.

One day we rode bikes around the town.
Japanese Bridge
We went out one day to find Charlotte a birthday jacket for England. We saw lots and lots of tailor shops. Tailors are people who make clothes for you. They measure you and then make whatever you like. They mainly do jackets.
We finally found one tailor shop called Mekong.
I got bored quickly so dad took me for a walk to find a jacket for me. We found one and the ladies in this shop really liked me. They pinched my cheeks really, really hard. In the end my jacket is red  wool on the outside and red and black dragon silk on the inside. It goes nearly down to my knees.
I also got an orange ao dai
Charlotte’s jacket is brown like Milo with blue dragonfly satin inside.

I really loved being in Hoi An and I wish I could have stayed longer. I think I will have to come back when my jacket doesn’t fit anymore.
Check you later.
From M@D!$oN


  1. Happy Birthday Charlotte! We hope you had a great day.
    Love J, C, T & B

  2. Great post Madison. I really enjoyed reading about your day. You sounds like your having lots of fun. Please tell mum and Dad (and Charlotte if she remembers us) we say Hi!
    Sara (Madison Spitzers mum)

  3. hi madison how are you ? from maddy
