Tuesday, March 15, 2011


On the day before my birthday we were in Nha Trang and just after I woke up, Maisy told me that she had bought me tickets to go to Vinpearl Fun Park for my birthday. Vinpearl is an island off Nha Trang in Vietnam. The only things on Vinpearl Island are a resort and a massive fun park. To get to the island you need to go on the 3 kilometre cable car which is 60 metres above the ocean.
You can see the cable car pylons on either side of the ocean liner
We got to the cable car by a green taxi and on the way a motor bike almost crashed into us. The taxi driver had to swerve really suddenly and we all went flying across the back seat. No one wears seat belts anywhere in South East Asia but we were all OK. Next we got our own cable car carriage over to Vinpearl.  From the start of the cable car ride, Vinpearl looked just like a normal island, but as we got closer it looked like heaven for an almost eleven year old.
As soon as we got to the island dad and I went straight to the rocking Pirate ship. There was hardly any queue so we walked straight on. When everyone was on, the man operating the ride handed everyone a green sick bag. There was a lady sick on the ride before ours.

We didn’t know where to go next, then mum spotted the chain swing ride that spins around. She thought that would be a lovely, slow and gentle ride, but it went crazy and at rocket speed. Mum was screaming, “Stop the ride, I want to get off!” Maisy went all quiet. Dad had even had enough by the time we got off. I loved it. Mum felt sick and had to lie down on the grass. Dad recovered quickly and headed for the roller coaster.

After a good old merry-go-round ride we went to a 4D cinema to watch a 15 minute Aladin movie. We sat in seats that moved to match the movie while wind and water blew in our faces. It was absolutely awesome.
Next was the dodgem cars and yet again a Vietnamese girl fell in love with Maisy and had to tell her how cute she was and have her photo taken with her.  I don’t know what it is but everywhere we go people think Maisy is adorable… Anyway, on the dodgem cars dad smashed us with his driving skills.
After all the dry rides we decided to go to the water park. To get to the beach and water park we had to walk through a shopping plaza.
We thought the fun park was the best, well the water park was unbelievable. There were about 30 different  water rides. We first went on a rainbow water slide to warm up on. We had a race to the bottom and of course dad, being the heaviest, won with a massive tidal wave finish. Mum lent in close to take a photo and she was saturated by the splash of water.
Dad and I wanted something scarier so we went on the Kamikaze. This ride starts really,really high and is the longest waterslide ever. I went first. Even though it looked scary it wasn’t at all and I wanted to go again and again.
Then Maisy, dad and I went on the Tsunami. This was by far the scariest ride. You sat in a tube and went straight down over an edge then back up and down and up and down until you splashed out at the end. I was screaming my lungs out  and Maisy was sooooo scared. Even dad screamed like a girl.
It then felt like mum was missing out so we asked her what she wanted to do and so we all sat in tubes and floated around the Lazy River. It was very nice.

After the Lazy River ride we met a French man and his son. They needed 4 more people to go on the Family Tube ride, so we went with them. We were expecting a fun ride but it was wild. We all sat in a massive tube and went down a really fast ride. When dad or the French man were on the top side going around a bend, the whole tube felt like it was going to tip over and we would all fall out on top of each other. It was sooooo sooooo much fun. We did it again and screamed even louder.

As soon as we got off the tube ride the wave pool started. Maisy and I grabbed a tube and went in. We went right to the front where the waves were the biggest. I don't think anyone else in the pool had been to Nippers or spent as much time at the beach as us. We had so much fun jumping, laughing and surfing our tubes.
We did a whole lot of other tubing rides after that.
There was an excellent aquarium there too and we had a good look around.
We were all really exhausted at the end of the day but we still had the trip back on the cable car to look forward to.
It was an awesome birthday present. Thank you very much Maisy

On the actual day of my birthday we all got up really early to fly to Ho Chi Minh City.
Maisy was upgraded to Business class and got all the luxury on my birthday.
I shopped all day at the Ben Than market and then we bought 6 different little cakes.

Love from Charlotte



  1. that sounds soo cool happy birthday

  2. What fun birthdays you are all having!

    That fun park looked awesome, wait till I show Maddy and Bailey. They will be so jealous.

    Loving the family blog.

    Sara x

  3. Charlotte you are so very very brave! I am hopeless on scarey rides. What an amazing birthday you had!
