Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Wymondham here we come.

It took 6 very long hours to drive from Edinburgh, Scotland to Wymondham, England. In the car, dad drove through the rain, mum slept most of the way, I was the navigator with the map and Maisy talked the whoooooole, entiiiiiiiiiiiiiiire way. When we arrived at Tuttles Lane West, Ron and Andrea and their beautiful dog Bonnie warmly welcomed us back to their lovely home. Andrea had a delicious spaghetti bolognaise waiting for us and for dessert we had Andrea's specialty, apple and cherry slice with lots of vanilla ice cream. After dinner when the adults were talking, talking and talking Maisy and I went upstairs to play with all of the fluffy toys and look through Joanna and Georgina's old books from when they were our age.

In the morning I was the second up after Ron, who always gets up at 4am. He had already taken Bonnie for a walk so I played with her until everyone else got up. Bonnie has a sore leg at the moment but she was still so happy to fetch her ball and play catch. After breakfast we made a picnic lunch then set out for the day. At Ranworth we went for a walk through the wetlands to see the Norfolk Broads. The reeds here are used to make the thatched roofs on the pretty old houses. The Broads were once the boggy marshes where all the peat was dug up to dry and burn on the fires. The big holes were then filled with water and became the Norfolk Broads.

We continued walking through the town to St Helens Church. Inside the church we climbed up the winding staircase, then up two ladders, through the belfry and up onto the roof of the tower. From here we could see the amazing view all around. It was funny to see sails bobbing through the fields and windmills in the distance.

All the way back down again and then we drove to a little park surrounded by cute houses and we had our picnic lunch. The sun was shining and Maisy and I played soccer. I love picnic lunches.

Next we drove to Wroxham and hired a boat to cruise up and down the Broads. I drove the boat up the river and Maisy drove all the way back again. We saw lots of lovely houses along the river and we ate some more of Andrea's apple and cherry slice.

Andrea and Ron had to get back for Bonnie but they showed us the way to Greater Yarmouth and we walked along the promenade. The main street along the beach is KIDS PARADISE. There was a really flat beach with lots of fun amusements along the promenade. There were jumping castles, mini golf, so many penny arcades, ice cream shops, an aquarium, and lots and lots of rides and games. The penny arcades were the best. First you changed a pound coin for 50 lots of 2 pence. Then you can play all sorts of games to try and win your money back. It was really addictive because you always thought you could win but no one did. It was sooooooooooooo much fun. We wanted to stay forever but we had to get back in time for a BBQ dinner with Ron and Andrea.
Penny arcade addicts

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