Monday, May 16, 2011

Shooting a .22 air rifle.

On a sunny day with nothing to do dad found his 30 year old .22 air rifle that he used when he was our age.  Before we got to use it we had a long long long safety talk. After we had the talk we set up the tiny, iddy biddy, miniscule targets on the shed door. Then dad showed us how to cock the gun. Underneath the gun it has a lever that is attached to a massive spring, when you pull the lever back it pulls the spring which squeezes the air which is called cocking the gun. Then you load the rifle with the bullet (the bullet is called a slug). Then you look through the telescopic lens. In the telescopic lens you can see a magnified view of the target. There is also something that looks a bit like a fence with an arrow on top which helps you to aim properly at the bulls eye. Then you slowly pull the trigger without breathing so you don’t move the gun. Remember that you are still looking through the telescopic lens to see if the centre has moved. You can't put the telescopic lens against your eye or it will give you a black eye when you fire it. After you have pulled the trigger, lift the gun upwards so that you are sure that it wont hit anyone. Then you can walk up to the miniature target to see if you have hit the bulls eye. Hopefully you did.
·         NEVER stand in front of a gun.
·         Don’t put the telescopic lens on your eye when you are shooting the gun.
 (My uncle David got a black eye from doing that!)
·         If you are not shooting the gun hold it pointing up.
·         If you  are not using the gun,then stand behind the person that is.

It's not so easy to hit this little target from 20 metres.

By Charlotte and Madison

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