Saturday, May 7, 2011

There was a young girl who went to Galway.

Yesterday we went to Galway. On the way we drove through Limerick. We all tried to make up our own limericks but this one is much better. It is by Edward Lear. Limericks come from Limerick because one of the first limericks was about an old man from Limerick.

There was an Old Man of Kilkenny,
Who never had more than a penny,
He spent all that money,
In onions and honey,
That wayward Old Man of Kilkenny

We were meant to go to Aran by ferry but it was too wet and cold. Mum had already been there and she said it was like the end of the world so I really didn’t want to go there anyway.

Dad trying to giveaway a haircut with a free beer in the middle of Galway
Galway is a town and in the town there are lots of shops. At the shops we bought 10 post cards.
The weather was very weird. It would rain then the sun would shine, then rain, then sunshine, then more rain and then the sun would shine again. It was like that all day.

Then we drove back to Tipp Town. Back at Tipperary we went horse riding. Charlotte and I went on Snowy and Crunchy. I rode on Snowy for most of the time. She was very scaredy and would jump at anything. We just walked all the way down the road and then back again for about an hour with a girl called Ether. She spoke with a real Irish accent and sometimes I couldn’t understand her but she was very nice.

When we got back to the cottage, mum set up for school work and just then there was a “KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK” at the door and Philippa and Miranda came to ask if we wanted to play with them. They live on the farm, Philippa is turning 9 on Saturday and Miranda is 7 years old.

They showed us all around the farm. They have horses, cows, really new calves, chickens and fish and 2 dogs called Jasper and Duke and heaps of cats. We collected 4 eggs for breakfast.
We went climbing on their big tree and when we were coming back we had a massive dandelion fight. They taught us how to do Irish dancing and then Charlotte and I made up a dance with them to Lady Gaga. It was so much fun.

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