Monday, January 31, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane.

Leaving Sydney and all our friends and family was a big tug on the heart as so much can happen in 12 months and we know we will miss everyone.
Seven leave Sydney
Flying out of Sydney with Malaysian Airlines, the plane was full and the 7 of us were spread over 2 rows. We played musical chairs for some of the time but as we started to go over outback NSW and then over Queensland I was glued to the window and watched the incredible extent of the recent flooding. For more than an hour we flew over swollen rivers and waterways. You could clearly see how far the water had risen by the massive black shadows on the landscape left by the high water mark. Even though I had seen it on the news for weeks before, it was unbelievable how far it reached and the enormous amount of water that had moved through the area.
We arrived late on Friday night into KL and went straight to an airport hotel to sleep. Malaysia is 3 hours behind Sydney so we were all eager to hit the sack. It was hot and humid but no more than Sydney's weather of late.
 After a huge buffet breakfast we all promised not to eat so much ever again, we caught a mini van taxi into Kuala Lumpur city. The taxi ride was about 45 min along an excellent highway past palm plantations and distant hills. The architecture in Malaysia spans vast extremes from broken down shanties to the most impressive ultra modern buildings. We went straight to our next hotel The Dorset. All very excited when we arrived and found we were next to The Ritz-Carlton and a short walk to a glamorous shopping complex called The Pavillion that had all the top designer shops. Preparations for Chinese New Year are in full swing here with drums beating the good fortune in and the dragons chasing the bad luck away. The year of the Rabbit is going to be up and down. My prediction is abundant prosperity.

Not our hotel



  1. that sounds AWESOME
    i miss you guys already.

  2. that is soo cool
    i wish i was there with you
    everyone started school yesterday
    im sooo tired

    i miss you guys from mel

  3. Glad to see you have safely arrived.
