Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What A Busy Week!!!

Yasmin, my cousin, is having a sleep over for 2 nights while her mum Susan is doing a dog grooming course. Yesterday we had a day with Grandma Pat doing clay. Yasmin made a lizard, Maisy made a fat sun baker with man boobs, and I made a sun and moon clock all with the help of Grandma Pat. Then we had a delicious chicken and chip sandwich made by Grandpa John. We went to the Dee Why rock pools for a fossick around. We all got sea lice, and Maisy and Yasmin got stung by bluebottles. What an exciting day it was! That night we made pizza's I was very adventurous (not) and had a plain cheese pizza. Today Caitlin and Yasmin are having a sleep over. We had a real easy day, we watched TV, baked muffins and played on the trampoline while mum packed 14 boxes. Tonight we are going to watch 'The Last Airbender'. I hope the movie is great or I will just fall asleep.

Charlotte.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo