Monday, January 24, 2011

So long. Farewell. It's time to say Good Bye.

I had an excellent day today. 9 of my friends from school came over for a farewell play day. First we did chalk drawing, tracing each others body in different shapes on the driveway and wrote our names in all sizes and fonts. Then we played hide-n-seek and sardines in teams of 2. Caitlin and I made an awesome spot, inside a tiny cupboard and we got squished. It was now time for lunch, and we all made our own pizzas with a pizza buddy. I made a very adventurous cheese and pineapple pizza. Then we walked down the bush track to the beach, and mum bought us all an ice cream. After we finished licking our melting icecreams we walked back up the hill. It was quite hot all day, but as soon as we got in the spa
 it cooled down. Lucky dad had turned the spa down.
Then after a long , busy and extremely fun day everyone sadly had to go.
Thank you all of my great friends. I will miss you but we will keep in touch.
Have a super year in Year 6 2011.
Love from


  1. cool sounded like fun
    did you get found in the cupboard?

  2. Have a fun and safe journey - love from the Hardys.
