Monday, January 31, 2011

Leaving on a jet plane.

Leaving Sydney and all our friends and family was a big tug on the heart as so much can happen in 12 months and we know we will miss everyone.
Seven leave Sydney
Flying out of Sydney with Malaysian Airlines, the plane was full and the 7 of us were spread over 2 rows. We played musical chairs for some of the time but as we started to go over outback NSW and then over Queensland I was glued to the window and watched the incredible extent of the recent flooding. For more than an hour we flew over swollen rivers and waterways. You could clearly see how far the water had risen by the massive black shadows on the landscape left by the high water mark. Even though I had seen it on the news for weeks before, it was unbelievable how far it reached and the enormous amount of water that had moved through the area.
We arrived late on Friday night into KL and went straight to an airport hotel to sleep. Malaysia is 3 hours behind Sydney so we were all eager to hit the sack. It was hot and humid but no more than Sydney's weather of late.
 After a huge buffet breakfast we all promised not to eat so much ever again, we caught a mini van taxi into Kuala Lumpur city. The taxi ride was about 45 min along an excellent highway past palm plantations and distant hills. The architecture in Malaysia spans vast extremes from broken down shanties to the most impressive ultra modern buildings. We went straight to our next hotel The Dorset. All very excited when we arrived and found we were next to The Ritz-Carlton and a short walk to a glamorous shopping complex called The Pavillion that had all the top designer shops. Preparations for Chinese New Year are in full swing here with drums beating the good fortune in and the dragons chasing the bad luck away. The year of the Rabbit is going to be up and down. My prediction is abundant prosperity.

Not our hotel


Monday, January 24, 2011

So long. Farewell. It's time to say Good Bye.

I had an excellent day today. 9 of my friends from school came over for a farewell play day. First we did chalk drawing, tracing each others body in different shapes on the driveway and wrote our names in all sizes and fonts. Then we played hide-n-seek and sardines in teams of 2. Caitlin and I made an awesome spot, inside a tiny cupboard and we got squished. It was now time for lunch, and we all made our own pizzas with a pizza buddy. I made a very adventurous cheese and pineapple pizza. Then we walked down the bush track to the beach, and mum bought us all an ice cream. After we finished licking our melting icecreams we walked back up the hill. It was quite hot all day, but as soon as we got in the spa
 it cooled down. Lucky dad had turned the spa down.
Then after a long , busy and extremely fun day everyone sadly had to go.
Thank you all of my great friends. I will miss you but we will keep in touch.
Have a super year in Year 6 2011.
Love from

Monday, January 17, 2011

Sooooooooooooooooooooooooooo busy

Today Mum, Charlotte and I did  a lot of things to get ready for travelling.
1st-... We sorted some coins from a pot and took it to the bank to change into dollars.
2nd-...We went to drop dad off at the city.
3rd-...Then we went to a flag shop and bought 2 Australian patches to sew on to our back packs.
4th-...We walked to the other side of the city to collect our Indian visas.
5th-... At the post office we picked up our Malaysia and Thai money.
Finally we stopped for a coffee at this great cupcake shop and then we remembered the car would run out of parking so we had to run all the way back.

On Saturday we drove up to the Blue Mountains to see our friends. Hello Mia, Lauren, Sophie, Emma, Kate, Jack, Gel and Claire. I hope you read this and leave a comment.
Aussie Aussie Aussie Oi Oi Oi

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Ali Writes

This is Ali  and I was  looking at Charlotte's blog and she wanted me to write something on it. Today Charlotte came to our house for the day. We went to lunch at the Diggers and played in the playground. When we got home we played sleeping lions and made up a show. It was lots of fun and Charlotte is going to stay the night at our house.   

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What A Busy Week!!!

Yasmin, my cousin, is having a sleep over for 2 nights while her mum Susan is doing a dog grooming course. Yesterday we had a day with Grandma Pat doing clay. Yasmin made a lizard, Maisy made a fat sun baker with man boobs, and I made a sun and moon clock all with the help of Grandma Pat. Then we had a delicious chicken and chip sandwich made by Grandpa John. We went to the Dee Why rock pools for a fossick around. We all got sea lice, and Maisy and Yasmin got stung by bluebottles. What an exciting day it was! That night we made pizza's I was very adventurous (not) and had a plain cheese pizza. Today Caitlin and Yasmin are having a sleep over. We had a real easy day, we watched TV, baked muffins and played on the trampoline while mum packed 14 boxes. Tonight we are going to watch 'The Last Airbender'. I hope the movie is great or I will just fall asleep.

Charlotte.  xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo

Monday, January 3, 2011


Christmas Day with the Cassidy/Carr clan
All of a sudden 2011 is here and we are seriously counting down to our deprture. There's a long list of things to do lying around on the kitchen counter but it seems everytime I strike one item off, another 3 appear. I don't think the Packing and Cleaning will ever quite get struck off the list, although every day we are doing a bit more.

Christmas Day was just perfect. It started at 4.20am with a very excited 9 year old and ended near midnight - fat and fantastic.

Hope everyone has a wonderful 2011 and where ever the road may take you - travel safely and breathe deeply.
