Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year.

It's not often anyone can surprise Paul and completely blow him away but Michael and Melisa managed a ripper New Year's Eve surprise party for us.We had just arrived back at the Collins' home, after last seeing them in April. Literally a cup of tea and a shower, we were planning a rather quiet night in, playing board games and not too sure if we would bother staying up for midnight. Then, one after another the old gang arrived with their families and the scene was set for a memorable night. Masses of food appeared from somewhere, firecrackers and lanterns were going off in the back garden, the kids were fabulously buzzing with excitement and the adults partied well into the night. It was a sensational night and should see in a brilliant New Year for all.

New Year's Eve Resolution?
Learn the words to Auld Lang Syne.
La laaa la laa la laaa la la.....
Happy New Year

Thank You Melisa and Michael for such an enjoyable evening.


Sold the CRV this week for £4300- at 87125 miles
Travelled 23100m = 37200km
in 8 months.

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