Thursday, January 12, 2012

White Tiger.

At Singapore zoo my favourite animal was the white tiger. The white tiger is a rare form of the Bengal tiger. It is exactly the same except for the colour of it's fur. Unlike normal Bengal tigers, which are reddish tan, or orange with black vertical stripes. White tigers are white with black or brown stripes. They have cute pink noses but sadly do not exist in the wild. They are bred in captivity and some get disorders in their body where their teeth go in funny directions.
We saw 2 amazing white tigers lazing in the sun and one of them had a piece of meat & it fell in the water so it had to put it's paw in the icy cold water to get it out, it was funny because cats & water don't mix very well so it would put it's paw in the water and pull it back out really quick to try get her meat.
I love all the big cats. Prrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Who said breakfast?

Early in the morning when we got to Singapore Zoo, our guide led us straight to the buffet breakfast that we would share with the orangutans. Then he left us there to eat. After half an hour had past a mechanical log moved in the trees allowing the orangutans to come forward making a tree branch as their path. We could then see orangutans coming from everywhere. There were babies on their mothers backs, other young ones climbing and swinging from tree to tree and old slow grandpas. They looked like they were having so much fun. When they reached the viewing platform the zoo keepers fed them bananas and a variety of different fruits. We were allowed to go up close to the animals and have our photos taken, we could have easily touched them but we weren't allowed to disturb them while they were eating.

The zoo keeper then started to tell us some facts about the orangutans saying the average orangutan would have the intelligence of a 5-6 year old. Other facts we learnt were:
  • Orangutans can make simple tools using the enviroment around them for hunting and playing.
  • That we share 96.4% of our genetics with our fellow friends the orangutans.
  • In the past decade the orangutan population has decreased by 90%.
  • This is caused by fires or burning off forests, habitat loss, poaching and illegal logging.
  • Every year 10,240,000 hectares of rainforest is being cut down. That's 19.5 hectares per minute.
  • The orangutans are highly endangered and are almost extint.

I loved the colour and the nature of the orangutans and the fact that we shared our breakfast with them made it feel as amazing as wonderland. This is why the orangutans at Singapore Zoo were my favourite. We also shared breakfast with 2 big colourful macaws and a snake. Mum was very brave and held her first snake in a decade. She absolutely hates snakes, like me!

By Charlotte

Friday, January 6, 2012

Back to Norwich.

On our way back up to see Ron and Andrea in Norwich we stopped at Tunbridge to see Donna and Gareth and their two little girls Libby and Lotte. We had a nice lunch and a lovely carrot cake that Libby and Gareth had made. Oh soooo DELICIOUS!!!

 Maisy and I played with Libby and Lotte and then, we were off again. Such a short stop. But very enjoyable. Libby and Lotte are so so cute. I would love to be their babysitter.

It was then another 2 and a half hour drive to get to Norwich. 2 minutes before we arrived, we stopped off at Tesco’s to buy some flowers and mum walked straight into a pole and fell flat on the ground into a cold, muddy puddle (OUCH - an egg on her forhead)!!! She got over it quickly. Brave Mum.
When we arrived, Ron, Andrea, Georgina, Bonnie and Archie all warmly welcomed us. Jo wasn't there because she had just gone to Germany to start working.
Bonnie is an 11 year old Border Collie and is very smart and knows lots of tricks. Archie is a Papilon, which means butterfly in French because of their butterfly shaped ears, he is only 8 months and is very fluffy and cuddly.

So, so cold!   BRRRRRRR!
 While we were there, we went on a walk around Thetford Forest. It was really cold and windy. 8 degrees. Brrrrrrrr. We did a sound trail with the dogs where we had to find the instruments in the woods; there were sound cushions, xylophones, wind blocks and at the very end there was a bell tower.

The next morning it was time to leave. Very sad because we knew we wouldn’t see them in a very long time.

Goodbye Andrea, Ron, Joanna and Georgina.

Thank you for your wonderful hospitality.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year.

It's not often anyone can surprise Paul and completely blow him away but Michael and Melisa managed a ripper New Year's Eve surprise party for us.We had just arrived back at the Collins' home, after last seeing them in April. Literally a cup of tea and a shower, we were planning a rather quiet night in, playing board games and not too sure if we would bother staying up for midnight. Then, one after another the old gang arrived with their families and the scene was set for a memorable night. Masses of food appeared from somewhere, firecrackers and lanterns were going off in the back garden, the kids were fabulously buzzing with excitement and the adults partied well into the night. It was a sensational night and should see in a brilliant New Year for all.

New Year's Eve Resolution?
Learn the words to Auld Lang Syne.
La laaa la laa la laaa la la.....
Happy New Year

Thank You Melisa and Michael for such an enjoyable evening.


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