Saturday, May 28, 2011

Why we love staying at Gray’s Cottage.

I cottage life and the solitude of being tucked away from civilization. P

I walking down to the beach and seeing all the seals and trying to find the otter at the waterfall. C

I smelling the gorse when I walk in the Highlands. L
I having the horses in the paddock next to us. M

I waving at the train as it passes 8 times a day. M and C

I holding and shooting the .22 air rifle. M

I d being a princess of Dunrobin Castle for a day. C
helping dad make the fire every day. M

We  sleeping in until the first train wakes me up at 8:20am. PLCM

I the best fish and chips in the world at Helmsdale. P
I single malt whiskey. L and P. Definitely not C and secretly M.
I baking in Grandma's kitchen. C

I watching the birds at the bird feeder. L
I William Wallace and Brave Heart. PLCM
"It's all for nothing if you don't have freedom."

I seeing the flowers change from the dying daffs to the bluebells opening and the rhododendrums about to bloom. L

I spotting the stag up at Loch Brora. P

I the fresh Atlantic salmon from the fishmongers at Golspie. L

I running in the huge garden. M

I making a fire on the beach and cooking sausages for dinner. PLCM

We all loved staying at Gray's Cottage for 3 weeks. It was just what we needed. Beautiful, peaceful and good for the soul. Hugs and kisses to Grandma Pat and Grandpa John. xxxx PLCM

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