Thursday, December 23, 2010

We wish you a Merry Christmas

I can't wait, now only 2 more sleeps till Christmas, I am sooooooooooooooo excited.
We already have a few presents under the tree and mum is singing Christmas carols.
My favourite song this Christmas is Jai Ho!
Happy Christmas everyone.
Love from Madison xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, December 19, 2010

With trepidation.

Lots of people are asking if i am nervous about going away for a year with all that is going on in daily life. The answer is YES! But that said I am an optimist that believes that it will all be OK. Every-thing will fall into place and it will be the best thing we have ever done. I guess, watch this space for the answer. 5 weeks to go till launch and it still seems like a bit of an unrealistic dream, but soon we will be stroking reality.


Saturday, December 18, 2010

'Tis the season to be jolly.

Leaping into the great unknown.
One week to Christmas and the excitement and anticipation is growing...
It really wasn't going to happen on its own, so tonight we finally booked our tickets to take us away on our adventure across the world.  The date is set -  we leave on Friday 28th January 2011 as the school year begins and we start our lessons of life in this big world.
Happy Birthday Nardine
Hope Bon Jovi was fab.
Livin' on a Prayer